The Iowa Promise points out the challenges of building and maintaining modern teaching spaces in an attractive, safe and functional physical environment. In order to more effectively meet this challenge, the Office of the Provost seeks broad input from the campus community to ensure successful development and use of learning spaces, both formal and informal, across the University of Iowa campus. Major learning space renovations should be presented to the Executive Team during the planning phase. 

Learning Spaces Executive Team

The Learning Spaces Executive Team provides specific recommendations regarding learning space proposals, projects, and programs that support campus learning spaces. The Team analyzes needs, defines project deliverables, identifies resources, form sub-teams as needed, and communicates with the campus.

The members of Learning Spaces Executive Committee are appointed by the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and approved by the Learning Space Executive Team. Both committees seek input from other advisory committees and constituencies as needed.

Membership includes:

  • The Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education (Tanya Uden-Holman)
  • The Associate Vice President and CIO ITS (Steve Fleagle)
  • The Executive IT Director (Maggie Jesse)
  • The Director of Campus Project Planning (Adele Vanarsdale)
  • The IT Director – Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology (Chris Clark)
  • The Director of Classroom Management & Operations (Renee Houser)