Today's Schedule

Contemporary Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering

9:30AM - 10:45AM

Probability and Statistics for the Engineering and Physical

11:00AM - 11:50AM

African American History Since the Civil War

12:30PM - 1:20PM

Statistics for Risk Modeling II

2:00PM - 3:15PM
Accessibility Features
Instructor Station - Height Adjustable
Table - ADA Student Individual Height Adjustable
Classroom Furniture
37 - Tablet Arm Chairs
1 - Student ADA Chair/Table
1 - Instructor Table
1 - Instructor Chair
Design Details
Floor Covering - Tile
Lighting - Switched in Banks
Location - Basement South
Window Covering - Blackout and Light Filtering Roller Shades
Window Exposure - East and South
Front Writing Surface - 17 Foot Chalkboard
Sides Writing Surface - 5 Foot Chalkboard
Room Features
Chalkboard - Standard
Seats - Moveable Tablet Arms
Technology Features
Mersive Solstice Pod
Document Camera
Computer - Windows
Cable - HDMI
Microphone - Boundary for Lecture Capture
Technology Control System
Monitor - Computer Dual Units
Projection Screen - Standard
Projector - Laser
Cable - USB-C
Camera - USB
Wireless - Access
Static map URL

Additional Information

Scheduling Regions
Responsible Unit
Instructional Room Category
University Classroom