Buildings housing University Classrooms categorized by Ad Astra classroom scheduling regions. These regions are for course scheduling purposes only. Campus regions for student registration can be found on MyUI.

Cleary North
Blank Honors Center (BHC)
Chemistry Building (CB)
Gilmore Hall (GILH)
Iowa Advanced Technology Lab (IATL)
North Hall (NH)
Pappajohn Business Building (PBB)
Pomerantz Center (PC)
Trowbridge Hall (TH)

Voxman Music Building (VOX)

Grand Avenue
College of Pharmacy Building (CPB)
Field House (FH)
Iowa Bioscience Research Facility (IBIF)

Jessup Hall (JH)
Macbride Hall (MH)
MacLean Hall (MLH)
Schaeffer Hall (SH)
PH East
Biology Building East (BBE)
Psychological and Brain Sciences Building (PBSB)
Phillips Hall (PH)
Sciences Library (SL)
Van Allen Hall (VAN)
Seamans Center SW (SCSW)
Becker Communication Studies Building (BCSB)
English-Philosophy Building (EPB)
Main Library (LIB)
Lindquist Center (LC)
Seamans Center (SC)
University Capitol Centre (UCC)

Art Building West (ABW)
College of Nursing Building (CNB)
College of Public Health Building (CPHB)
Speech and Hearing Center (SHC)
Visual Arts Building (VAB)