Level 1 classrooms are former departmentally controlled classrooms that moved into the University Classroom pool as a result of the TIER classroom initiative. Classroom Scheduling will provide University Classroom assignments; however, college/departmental input will guide the assignment process. In some cases, upon completion of the initial classroom scheduling window, shared special event scheduling can commence collaboratively between Classroom Scheduling and the college/departmental affiliated office representative until the end of the session, excluding final exam week.
Level 1 Classrooms
To view a list of the Level 1 classrooms, choose "Level 1" in the Region search filter.
Level 1 Classroom Procedures & Operations FAQs
Using Astra
What is the Astra Classroom Viewer/Log in Link?
Do I need log in permissions to view the Astra Schedule?
Guest viewers do not require a user name or password to view classroom grids. The use of HawkID and password allows for view results while inside the campus firewall. No access to the system can be gained off campus without the use of the VPN. Quick start instructions are available.
Where are the Ad Astra training & reference materials located?
Please email classrooms@uiowa.edu for information on Astra training and resources.
What do the Astra color codes mean?
Global color coding within Astra Schedule:
- Bright green – General Special Events
- Dark green – Examinations
- Purple – Student Organization Events
- Blue – Academic Sections
- Orange – Co-Existing Academic Sections [only Admin Home Academic Sections appear in Astra]
To whom do I report Astra Schedule problems?
General Astra event and scheduling questions can be referred to any one of the Classroom Scheduling staff. However, access issues and application errors should be reported directly to Renee Houser.
Does FERPA need to be considered in Astra?
Yes! Each scheduler needs to be aware of the visibility of the information that will display ultimately on the Guest Role which is open to our entire campus with a HawkID and password. We must also consider any departmental website or digital display monitors where information will be fed. The Office of the Registrar recommends NOT associating a student name to any event name or title. Please add the student name in the Internal Description field in event creation on the event record. This field is limited to view by FERPA approved staff members. REMINDER: Class schedule is not Directory Information. Please follow this suggestion:

Does your browser’s cache affect Astra Schedule?
Yes. Your browser’s cache stores information to assist pages to load faster. It is recommended for optimal performance that your browser’s cache be refreshed on occasion since Astra Schedule relies heavily on cache for user experience. If you notice a slow down or undesirable performance, try clearing your browser’s cache. Please note that some of your saved page preferences may be affected such as column ordering on your Event or Academic tabs. Your user profile will be unaffected.
Does the attachment function work in Event Scheduling?
The attachment tab on the event form is intended for internal use and does NOT provide functionality to send additional attachments with an Astra generated event confirmation summary. There is no current functionality in Astra that allows for additional attachments to be generated; however, Classroom Scheduling has placed this request in to Astra Schedule as an enhancement in a future release.
General Information/Policies/Deadlines
What is a University Classroom?
Instructional space classified as a 110 defined within the FICM. University Classrooms consist of:
- Spaces formerly known as a General Assignment Classrooms (GAC)
- Previously assigned departmental classrooms now known as “Level 1”
University Classrooms are scheduled and managed by the Office of the Registrar, Classroom Scheduling with rules and regulations to maximize University resources. All classrooms will adhere to all Registrar and college/departmental rules and regulations unless an approved exception exists from the Office of the Provost or Classroom Scheduling. Polices exist regarding, but not limited to, non-standard class time, off-grid scheduling, on-grid event scheduling, and seat fill requirements.
The abbreviation of a University Classroom is UCR.
What is a Programmed Classroom?
Instructional space classified as a 110 defined within the FICM. These spaces were formerly assigned to departments and are now co-managed with Classroom Scheduling. These spaces merge into the Classroom Scheduling space inventory.
Programmed Classrooms are different from traditional University Classrooms due to the unique scheduling needs within the undergraduate or graduate/professional schools that warrant a different operational process.
The abbreviation of a Programmed Classroom is PCR.
What is a Specialty Space?
All instructional spaces formerly known as non-General Assignment Classrooms and classified as any room type category other than “Classroom” per the FICM. Specialty Spaces are non-classroom type instructional spaces assigned to academic departments. These spaces include, but are not limited to, laboratories, studios, practice rooms, meeting rooms, and conference rooms. Specialty spaces serve a variety of departmental activities and course programming.
The abbreviation of a Specialty Space is SPS.
Where do I find a list of all merged departmental classrooms now known as University Classrooms?
Information on all University Classrooms, including merged Level 1 classrooms, can be found via the University Classroom Search Tool.
Informed on merged Programmed Classrooms can be found via the Programmed Classroom Search Tool.
Where do I find a list of all classrooms including photos, technology, furnishing, floor plans, and other pertinent information?
Visit the University Classroom Search Tool for information on individual classrooms.
What are the policies for University Classrooms?
All instructional space officially classified as “classroom” will reside under the scheduling control and management of Classroom Scheduling for course offerings and special event scheduling. Further within this category are the merged departmental classrooms. Some merged departmental classrooms are referred to as Level 1. This label identifies a shared relationship with Classroom Scheduling in an effort to distinguish them from a standard university classroom with no joint association.
Classroom Scheduling will provide University Classroom (UCR) assignments; however, college/departmental input will guide the assignment process. Additionally, in some cases, upon completion of the initial classroom scheduling window, shared special event scheduling can commence collaboratively between Classroom Scheduling and the college/departmental affiliated office representatives until the end of the session, excluding final examination week.
- Colleges/departments continue to retain initial priority scheduling rights. Any special scheduling considerations must be communicated to Classroom Scheduling by the close date of the MAUI Planner for the respective session.
- Classroom Scheduling retains administrative authority to schedule classrooms around the prior prioritized assignments coordinated with the colleges/departments to maximize efficient use of university instructional resources and to ensure space assignment is fulfilled across all approved course offerings.
- Use of Ad Astra is required across all University Classrooms to ensure scheduling accuracy and enhanced reporting and statistics. If the college/department does not desire shared scheduling, Classroom Scheduling will schedule and manage the instructional space for the academic department.
All sections scheduled into University Classrooms will adhere to all University Classroom (UCR) rules and regulations. Any deviation from standard regulations will require prior approval from the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education.
All classrooms, regardless of criteria, may be considered for large event requests such as Provost-sponsored activities (e.g., On Iowa! First Year Immersion Program, or You@UI campus recruiting event) where great numbers of classrooms are used to facilitate these events. Provost-sponsored campus events are given top priority over other special events when rare conflict circumstances arise.
What is the "Right to Recall" policy?
Unforeseen circumstances may arise resulting in the modification of classroom schedules. Academic course offerings always take precedence over special event scheduling in University Classrooms. Thus, special events are subject to the right to recall policy by Classroom Scheduling. In the rare occasion that such a conflict arises, Classroom Scheduling will work to secure an alternate location for the event giving special consideration to meet the needs of the activity (outside speaker commitment, building location, etc.).
When is "On-Grid" scheduling enforced in University Classrooms?
On-grid event scheduling is required for University Classrooms, including Level 1 classrooms (unless exception exists), until the first day of classes of any session in order to maximize opportunities in our scheduling resources. Please see the Standardized (“On-Grid”) Time Block Model for more information.
What is special event scheduling?
Coordination of any activity not associated with an actual class session identified on the student information system (MyUI). Special event scheduling can consist of class related items such as review sessions, helps sessions, film screenings, group meetings, colloquia, etc. These activities are NOT listed on MyUI and are therefore considered a “special event.”
When is the official Astra Schedule cutover for events?
How often are enrollments in Ad Astra updated?
The Enrollment field is the ACTUAL enrollment which is updated every morning by a batch job from MAUI to Astra. Additionally, this batch updates also sets the enrollment to 0 for any cancelled sections identified.
The Max Enrollment (term used by Astra which is the SAME as MAUI Opt Enrollment) is not updated each morning in bulk. Rather that figure is adjusted by an ad hoc update of that value in MAUI which is then applied to Astra via our text file process between the systems.
What is shared scheduling/management?
Section scheduling resides under the control of Classroom Scheduling following home building priorities. Level 1 special event scheduling occurs collaboratively between Classroom Scheduling and the college/department during predefined scheduling windows within Ad Astra software.
Shared event control in University Classrooms, Level 1 will be divided between Classroom Scheduling and the college/department. College/department staff will coordinate any “home departmental” requests. Classroom Scheduling will coordinate any “non-home departmental” requests.
In the unique situation where both Classroom Scheduling and the coordinating department receive a request for same day/time/room, special event priority resides with the department, generally speaking. However, in the case of a course offering in need of placement, the course offering for registration, examination, or required class activities takes priority over all other activities. This arrangement will be followed after the initial scheduling window.
When can I begin special event scheduling for a future session?
All Level 1 schedulers will be notified via email when special event scheduling in Astra Schedule can begin. This will correlate to the MyUI course offering live publication date. Level 1 event scheduling can take place only for the academic terms live on MyUI. Scheduling into the future beyond live terms can cause inadvertent scheduling conflicts when planning curriculum for a future session. If a Level 1 University Classroom is required for a future date not live on MyUI, please contact Classroom Scheduling for consideration. Please refer to the right to recall policy for any special event scheduling you may do in in Level 1 classrooms.
What is the evening midterm scheduling priority in University Classrooms?
Evening midterm exam scheduling by the Office of the Registrar takes priority across all University Classroom spaces. Classroom Scheduling will consider the use of all available classroom spaces as student enrollment increases.
Evening midterm exam scheduling will be coordinated on a first-come, first-served basis as the foundation of assignment. However, when necessary, large core undergraduate course offerings with historical examination scheduling policies will be scheduled as priority when in direct conflict on a requested date and time. Classroom Scheduling will consult with the appropriate Associate Deans for date and/or classroom priority when necessary. Furthermore, it is the department’s responsibility to communicate any special scheduling needs or examination requirements via the special exam needs field in the MAUI midterm exam needs tool.
Is pre-booking (saving the room just in case it is needed) of University Classrooms allowed?
No. All departments who require a semester-long departmental activity (faculty meeting, weekly colloquia) in University Classrooms must submit an email request to Charlene Maher in Classroom Scheduling by the MAUI Planner close date of the desired session. Ideally, this information was relayed upon during the initial transfer of the Level 1 classroom to the central pool via the web form. Please contact Renee Houser with questions.
What circumstances would cause an event or course to be "bumped"?
Unforeseen circumstances may arise resulting in the modification of classroom schedules. These situations may include, but not be limited to, a building mechanical issue, unexpected classroom repair, malfunctioning technology equipment, etc. Classroom Scheduling will work to secure an alternate location for the course or event giving special consideration to meet the needs of the activity.
As an example, a last-minute meeting need in a University Classroom should not bump a pre-scheduled event. If a situation arises, please contact Classroom Scheduling for assistance in alternate room availability.
How do I request a Level 1 classroom for a final exam in the Exam Needs Tool?
Because Level 1 classrooms are now considered University Classrooms, the department will need to indicate that a Registrar-Scheduled Classroom with Single Seating is requested. Then, in the Special Needs field, the department will need to indicate which Level 1 classroom is needed for the final examination. Instructions on how to use the Exam Needs Tool can be found on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Can departments schedule a University Classroom during any final examination week in Fall and Spring sessions or single day in Summer Session?
Final Examination week is reserved exclusively by the Office of the Registrar for all University Classrooms.
Currently, all scheduling (course and event) takes place in a separate database, UniTime. Until further notice, all scheduling of University Classrooms MUST take place in the central Classroom Scheduling office until after publication of the official final exam schedule for that semester. Please contact Registrar Examinations or Caroline Jens for details.
All University Classrooms, including Level 1 classrooms, are blocked in Ad Astra on all final exam dates. This includes three single exam days during summer sessions and final exam week during fall and spring sessions. No events can be scheduled on final exam dates until after the publication of the official final exam schedule for that semester. After publication of the final exam schedule, Classroom Scheduling will remove the room blocks in Ad Astra and the rooms will become available for departmental scheduling. It is the department's responsibility to copy Registrar Examinations on all events it schedules on a final exam date so that these events can be placed in UniTime to avoid any potential double booking of the classroom.
In the unique situation where both Classroom Scheduling and the coordinating department receive a request for same day/time/room, special event priority resides with the department, generally speaking. However, in the case of a course offering in need of placement, the course offering for registration, examination, or required class activities takes priority over all other activities. This means that a final examination will always take precedence over a special event, regardless of the nature of the special event.
The right to recall is applicable to all events scheduled during final examination dates.
Which department is responsible for coordinating custodial or electronic access during after-hours or weekend events in University Classrooms?
As an effort to share scheduling responsibilities of Level 1 classrooms, it is expected the respective departmental unit staff will coordinate any “home departmental” request. Classroom Scheduling will coordinate any “non-home departmental” request. In certain circumstances, this may require coordination of building or classroom electronic access and/or custodial servicing. Communication of required after-hour classroom services will be submitted via direct email or by sending the Astra confirmation email to Security Engineering Services with copy to registrar-room-res@uiowa.edu. Building hour change requests can be submitted via the Building Hours Workflow form. For more information, see the Building Hours Information page. Please complete the Internal Description field in the Astra event reservation that indicates the after-hours service arrangements as an internal paper trail for your office. Any semester long classroom schedule programming request in Level 1 classrooms will be coordinated by Classroom Scheduling near the start of the new academic session.
More specifically, where shared scheduling agreements exist, if the departmental unit coordinated the event, it is the responsibility of that unit’s scheduler to ensure coordination of any custodial, electronic access to the classroom or building, technology A/V support or required personnel presence. In the case where Classroom Scheduling schedules into shared University Classrooms, guidelines will be followed as conveyed by the home department.
The departmental room user (customer) will pay any custodial servicing fees. Classroom Scheduling does not have prearranged service agreements with Facilities Management. Therefore, if custodial servicing is required during the weekend hours (100+ seat spaces or when 4 or more classrooms are reserved for an event) the customer is expected to pay for this service.
Who coordinates the semester preparations for Level 1 University Classrooms?
Classroom Scheduling coordinates all semester start up tasks for a new academic session. This will include coordinating electronic classroom access schedules with Security Engineering Services. Classroom Scheduling will provide requested Iowa One Card access for staff or faculty to support their instruction for a given semester assuming justifiable need exists. Please notify Classroom Scheduling via the Iowa One Card workflow form for any Iowa One Card access needs. Security Engineering Services will defer all access approvals to Classroom Scheduling.
Who is responsible for providing the chalk, erasers, dry erase markers or clocks in University Classrooms?
Facilities Management provides chalk and erasers to all University Classrooms on an as needed basis. The department from which the instructor resides provides the dry erase markers that are considered an instructional tool. It is at the department’s discretion whether to provide the markers at departmental expense or if the instructor should provide their own. Clocks are provided to all University Classrooms by Classroom Technology Support.
How does Classroom Scheduling know which University Classroom my department should be assigned?
Departments must communicate any special scheduling considerations to Classroom Scheduling by the close date of the MAUI Planner for the respective session in the Room Preference field or as a single document from which room assignments can occur. Please contact Charlene Maher with questions.
Does my department retain initial scheduling priority in the University Classroom?
Colleges/departments continue to retain initial priority scheduling rights for level 1 classrooms.* Departments must communicate any special scheduling considerations to Classroom Scheduling by the close date of the MAUI Planner for the respective session. Classroom Scheduling staff will input initial room assignments via the Ad Astra interface. Please refer any special accommodations to Renee Houser or Charlene Maher at the Office of the Registrar.
Note: Classroom Scheduling has administrative scheduling authority in a University Classroom to ensure space assignment across all approved course offerings. All course offerings for registration, examination, or required class activities takes priority over all other activities across all University Classrooms to satisfy student seating demand.
*Scheduling priority agreements exist only during the initial scheduling window.
Who do I notify if I learn the building hours change?
Classroom Scheduling coordinates all University Classroom hours with Campus Safety Security Engineering Services. If any modification to standard building hours should occur, please contact Classroom Scheduling at registrar-room-res@uiowa.edu for coordination.
Will after-hours HVAC requirements need to be reported to Facilities Management?
No. Classroom Scheduling has coordinated standard building operational hours with ITS for an automated report to be sent to Energy Management for programming of HVAC for events or classes that extend beyond standard building hours.
Who do I notify if the Level 1 classroom hours need to be modified?
Classroom Scheduling coordinates all University Classroom hours with Security Engineering Services regardless if brass key access or electronic access. If any modifications from session standard should occur, please contact Classroom Scheduling at registrar-room-res@uiowa.edu for coordination.
Where do I report technology problems in a University Classroom?
Technology problems within University Classrooms can be reported to the ITS Help Desk. The Help Desk will escalate calls to the Learning Spaces team for repairs and in person responses. Use of building desktop teams will be used to speed up response times and improve service. Hardware repair problems will be escalated to the Learning Spaces team for resolution.
Where do I report environmental or furnishing issues in a University Classroom?
Problems with heating, cooling, or general repair needs should be reported to Classroom Scheduling. Problems with any furnishings, broken or missing, should be reported to Classroom Scheduling. Classroom Scheduling staff will contact Facilities Management Work Control Center or coordinate replacement furniture for all University Classrooms, including Level 1.
How do I request Iowa One Card Access to a University Classroom for an event or academic session?
Classroom Scheduling will provide permanent Iowa One Card access to staff or faculty to support their instruction for a given semester assuming justifiable need exists. Please notify Classroom Scheduling via the Iowa One Card workflow form for any Iowa One Card access needs. The workflow routes to the Classroom Scheduling office for first approval review then coordinating with Security Engineering Services (SES) on the level of appropriateness. SES Access Services will defer all permanent access approvals to Classroom Scheduling.
Further, any one-time temporary classroom hours modifications for special event scheduling should be emailed directly (or via Astra confirmation) by the Level 1 scheduler to facilities-access-services@uiowa.edu and copied to registrar-room-res@uiowa.edu.